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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Jules the Scrapper

I was under the impression that having your cat neutered would make them less likely to get into fights with other cats. This was obviously the WRONG impression, and I don't know why I was thinking that. What?, have them fixed and if approached by another cat wanting to fight they will just lay down and take it?? No, they must grab those no longer there items and fight!

My cat was fixed on a Saturday and was not totally recovered on Tuesday when he came home injured. Jules is his name, short for Orange Julius. Well, that evening my dog, Max (a pit-bull), went running up the outside stairs to the porch where the cat was laying down. Resting I thought. NOT.

Jules starts yowling and hissing up a fit. Max is bounding and bouncing and barking, thinking this is a great new game. I am yelling at Max to leave the cat alone. I was frightened that one would be hurt and not sure which one. Finally I was able to get Max down the stairs so that I could get up them to check out why my cat was thinking of suicide off the porch, and also willing to kill the pesky dog.

The cat had a puddle of blood where he had been and was dripping more. I was not sure where from, or what from, and he was not about to let me near. Eventually able to calm Jules down a little I was able to see that his tail had been bit, it was hanging there limply, too sore to move. Hair was missing around the wound, and I could tell that the wound was starting to scab over a little, but he was not about to let me treat it. I was not foolish enough to do it by myself either, or I would be travelling to the doctors with torn skin too.

In a few days the tail was looking worse and worse, not healing, getting infected. I decided it was time to take action, and not having the Benjamins to go to the vet I grabbed a towel, grabbed the cat, and took a look. I was able to clean the site a little bit before the cat hit the ceiling and it started to get better soon after.

Since that time the cat has come home sore more than once, but at least not bleeding. I think I finally know the animal that is fighting with him. Actually think there are more than one, he is a scrapper!! There is a neghbor cat to one side that he has "discussions" with and also a dog on the other side.

I suppose in a way I am a little like that cat. Me and Timex. Take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. I just hope that Jules and I have 9 full lives still.

In His Loving Arms...

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