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Monday, July 18, 2005


Well we are in a heat wave... more like a heat tsunami, one week down and another week predicted. I think the toll is hitting me pretty hard, I am not a friend to heat. In winter, I will wear sandals, and don't even own a jacket, the most I will consider is wearing a sweater over a tee-shirt.... so, the heat is not my friend.

One problem that I face is that I have to use the air-conditioners, plural, because one is upstairs and the other down and if they both are not running the house is a furnace and will never cool off. I really hate having to use the a.c. but it is a necessary evil E-V-I-L. I have to make sure the dog is left inside also because 108 is too much for him also, and I have only one shade tree on my half acre of land....

Note to self: plant more shade trees (fast growing preferred).

I try to leave the temp at about 78 or 80 and use small fans and ceiling fans to blow the air around, but still sweat sitting still drinking ice water. Not a very comfortable feeling. Then I thank God that I have been blessed to be able to have a.c. and do not live in a warmer climate. I think of those unfortunate souls who are living in areas and have a tin roof and cardboard walls, and I really should fall on my knees and praise God that I have a life which is really not too bad.

But I am really considering buying a pool to cool off in, even if it is a little 6 ft wide wading-pool. I can just fill it up and put under that shade tree, turn on the sprinkler, sit there and listen to the birds singing crazily and the train as it roars by.

Yes, I think I may do that tonight!

In His Loving Arms...

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