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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Strange Night

I am really feeling crappy today. I had a strange thing happen last night that really shook me up.

I was in bed, trying to go to sleep. I was in the middle ground of being asleep and being awake, and had a form of nightmare that was really disturbing. I had the sensation of something that I would describe as paralysis, could not move, couldn’t raise my arms or swing my legs out of bed, raise myself in any way.

My eyes were open, I think, I was able to see the normal shadows on the wall, my night stand, and items there. My mind felt like it was shaking, I thought I heard chattering voices, very threatening to me. It almost felt like my eyes were twitching back and forth. The thought going thru my mind was that I was having a stroke or heart attack, because I couldn’t move or pull myself out of it. As I am writing this I am thinking “this is just sounding crazy” …

I finally was able to wake up completely and move… then I didn’t want to go back to sleep because I was afraid it would start up again.

In His Loving Arms...

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