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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sniffle, Snuffle, Sneeze

It has been such a long time since my last blog.... I may have mentioned in the past that I don't have a phone so am unable to get online at home, and was off work last week because I was sick.

So, my "week off" was actually needed. Every year around this time I get hit with a horrible allergy/sinus/flu type thing. It is because I live in the middle of rice paddies -- not in China, "right here in River City" ... It is harvest and there is rice dust in the air, along with dirt and smoke from the few remaining fields that are allowed to burn the rice stubble. It about kills be and when it hits I think longingly of living somewhere else.. but know that I probably never will move out of the area unless forced to.

My brother, who suffers as well, commented that my allergies were the worse he has ever seen them.. and we have only been "friends" for the past couple years so he has missed out on some good attacks. He is right tho because this was horrible.

I use to suffer from asthma also, so when I get this twice a year bug-thingy (did I mention I get the same thing in spring during planting season ???) I worry about the asthma returning and getting a respiratory infection along with it. The last time I had a serious asthma attach I was put into the hospital for a week, breathing treatments every time I fell asleep, xrays, the whole nine yards...

So, I self-medicated -- with a lot of sleep, a lot of sitting and stitching, and lots of V-8, both tomato and fruit varieties... plus my trusty friend AFRIN nose spray.. a box of Kleenex anti-viral tissues.. video games... and did I mention a lot of sleep????

But I am better now, at least for today, YEAH!! Not complete total health, don't think that will ever happen, but better than last week.

Thank God!
and forever In His Loving Arms!

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