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Wednesday, December 10, 2008



It’s s a nice simple word. Why is it so difficult to achieve these days? I know there have been rebels throughout history. But really people, when you are in public, just show a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

There was an “incident” on Sunday afternoon. Charlie and I were on the way home from church. We had taken the first leg of our journey… the light-rail from 39th street to 29th street. There we have to transfer to a bus that will take us the next leg, then to another home…

We get to the light-rail station and rush to the bus stop a few yards away because the bus is at the light just before the stop already, and if we don’t hurry we will miss it and have to wait.

There was already a group of four young adults waiting for the bus. Being obnoxious, loud and generally normal. I would have been able to ignore them for the most part except….

The bus pulled up and one of the “kids” said something about the bus driver being a dyke. He said it loudly enough that the driver was able to hear it thru the door of the bus while it was closed. She was angry at the tone/manner in which the disrespect was delivered and so commented on it. “I heard what you said and I just want you to know that I don’t appreciate it. Yeah, you… “ She was getting off the bus, and the relief driver was getting on at this time, so she was pretty much face to face with the group of teens. She continued “I would not let you on my bus and I am going to remember your face and in the future you will not be allowed on my bus.” She then turned and left.

The kids were loudly taunting her as she walked away. The male bus driver who was waiting inside the bus, of course did not say anything. No one on the packed bus said anything. The kids walked to the back of the bus, full of bravado. Still talking about that “dyke bus driver” and how she needs to “get a REAL job”… etc. A man who got to the bus stop after the original incident said “man, that last bus driver got off the bus yelling at the kids..”

I turned to him and said “yeah because they called her a dyke as she was pulling the bus to the stop.” He said “oh, I see, well…”

The kids were still loud and obnoxious in the back of the bus. I got fed up. Why is no one telling these kids that they were in the wrong. Why are they now holding the entire bus hostage with their hate and vileness? Even the bus driver was trying to ignore them.

I turned in my seat and said “Can you guys just shut up. There is an entire bus full of people and we don’t want to listen to your attitude.” One of the girls said “shut up lady or I am gonna have my mom come and beat you back to Oregon… hahahaha” The others laughed also. I responded “You guys just need to shut the heck up. (I wanted to say a word other than HECK! but held back) You are 4 children… and you are acting like children and you just need to SHUT UP.”

The girl whose mom was gonna beat me piped up “I am not a child. I am grown.” Another one of the four said “we just out trying to have good day.”

* I guess having a good day is being successful in RUINING other peoples days???? *

About this time a man sitting in front of the kids, held his hand up in the universal “stop” motion (towards me!) and said to me “Lady, sit down… I will take care of this.” So, I sat and turned around. The kids did shut up after that. Just a burst here and there but I was not able to hear what they were saying, but was feeling the knife stares in the back of my head. BUT THEY WERE QUIET.

Charlie, meanwhile, was sitting there, ready to jump if need be. He was waiting. I texted to him “sorry about that”… then after he read that text and nodded to me I texted him again “well… they did shut up” he nodded again.

I think it is horrible the way kids control situations, because people are afraid of retaliation. I was sitting there on the bus thinking to myself… “damn, I have to get off the bus, at the same time as they will be getting off the bus.. wonder what will happen?” Sure… now I regret my actions. I also possess road rage issues which is one good reason for me to never get a car again.

I texted to Charlie again… “I won’t say anything to them, even if they say something to me, when we get off the bus… I hope!” He nodded again.

So, we get off the bus, and I went to stand by the bus shelter. I kept my back to the kids, but Charlie was watching my back. The kids walked by and didn’t say anything to me, as far as I could tell, either directly or indirectly. They did glance in my direction though. But no further confrontation.

The thing that struck me about the whole situation was this. They, the “kids,” felt that it was okay to say something disrespectful to another person. But, they got all bent out of shape when that person had the audacity to confront THEIR RUDENESS. Listen people… it is not hard. If you are rude to someone, expect them to be rude back. AND also expect others to call you on the carpet for your action. It is something YOUR MOTHER AND/OR FATHER AND/OR grandparents/aunts/uncles SHOULD HAVE DONE ALREADY. Come on people. Get real. Get nice. Get real nice. It is not that hard and will make life much more pleasant all the way around.

Sigh.. Anyways…
I remain always
In HIS loving arms.

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