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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

to this I say "HA!"

People say things all the time that can be hurtful, spiteful and mean… and then not remember that they said or did anything wrong. I am sure I do so every day. I wonder how much of a lasting impression those conversations or actions have on the other person??

The reason this is on my mind is because of something one of my managers at work did a couple months ago. I was just starting out my new lifestyle, and was doing some basic work out moves at my desk between calls. I was probably doing some lunges or squats or something that looks funny. He walked by and laughed, just a little chuckle.

At the time I was a bit indignant. I was like “I have to lose the weight, so what if he laughs.” But, it stuck with me and has apparently been lurking in the back of my mind. I remember it each time I am working out at my desk.

2 months have gone by since then. I am still working out at my desk, and still eating better, still going to Jazzercise 3-5 times a week, plus have started walking on breaks and lunches. I even woke up at 630 on Sunday morning, a day it was suppose to get to over 100 degrees, and went for a 3 miles 1 hour long walk to get it done before it got too hot.

I am so proud of my accomplishments and I can’t help but talk to everyone about it. I even told my direct supervisor 2 times about my Sunday walk, because I could not remember if I had told her already!

So, to get back to the point that I wanted to make: I stepped into the managers office Friday afternoon on my way out of the office and said “Remember you were laughing at me while I was working out at my desk a while back?” … he looked confused, didn’t remember it at all... “I lost 21 lbs in 2 months because of it…”

Sometimes the things that hurt us can make us stronger. I think one of the major motivators for me to continue was so that I could say to him… “Look at me now, buddy! You laughed at me but look what I have been able to do, in spite of it.”

Sunday, May 03, 2009


He thinks he is so cute... he's right.

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