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Monday, November 10, 2008

No on H8 Rally...

I went to a Californian's Against 8 ralley at the state capitol yesterday afternoon. I went after church, got there around 1245. People were coming from all sides. I started choking up a bit as I approached. I have friends and family who are GLBT, and I was there to support them. I attend a church that I feel is open and affirming. My regional church has gay/lesbian clergy.

At work today I was telling a co-worker that I went to the rally yesterday. She asked what rally, and I told her that it was in opposition of Prop 8 passing. She said "... and that means...."

"It means that I support same sex marriage..."

She gave me "the look." I said "What?... " Her response was "I thought you go to church. You are part of your church's choir even.... " I told her that I do and I am... and that I support gay marriages... and so do many in my church/denomination. She turned back to her computer terminal.

I was upset and needed to talk, so asked my supervisor if I could have some time off the phones. She let me come up and I was able to vent a bit. I felt better... and now I am writing this blog entry and that makes me feel better too....

remember.. we are all

In His Loving Arms...