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Friday, February 15, 2008

Diet Day 5...

OK… I have made it this far. Now the really tough part – THE WEEKEND. I am really going to have to be strong to make it thru the weekend. A lot of time on my hands, time to think and eat.

I have to admit: I have not exercised at all this week, in place of exercise I have gone to sleep to avoid eating, no change there! But, I avoided the chocolate and Chinese and Pizza for 5 whole days!

Total weight loss in the 5 days is 8 pounds though, so that gives me incentive to stick with it…. I hope! I am going to try to talk myself into walking when I feel like eating, just to get out of the house, and I have to get active anyways so that will be a start. It is a lot easier going back to bed and sleeping, rather than going outside and walking, no matter how beautiful the day may be.

I have a couple of brag moment to talk about. Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I didn’t eat any of the candy that came across my desk. I kept it, but put it in the drawer for a later time, maybe when I lose some more weight. Or will end up throwing it away or giving to someone else.

The other thing that happened yesterday is that one of the supervisors brought in Valentine’s Day cookies. The really rich yummy ones from the store. Towards the end of the day someone walked around from person to person handing them out and I reached in and grabbed one, without even thinking. They smelled soooooo gooooood. There the cookie was, in my hand, and starting towards my face, when I remembered. I said outloud “OH, CRAP… what am I doing? I can’t have this.” Then I got rid of it quickly to another associate who was passing by.

I treated myself last night to half a cup of International Flavored Coffee, and I only put 2 small scoops in the cup, instead of the normal 4-5 heaping scoops.

I am feeling really proud that I have gone the 5 days. A co-worker said she can tell that I have lost some weight. Another added benefit, my skin breakouts are a lot less this week.

The song “Onward Christian Soldier” just popped in my head, as I was thinking about having will power for over the weekend.

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